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Frequently asked Questions

Everything You Need to Know

Below we've compiled some of the questions we've been asked most frequently over the years. You can find the information you are curious about here. If you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact Deniz Balcı.

Doctor Taking Notes

Can I make an appointment on the same day?

Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and concise. Provide written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: If you were visiting the site for the first time, would you understand your own answer?

Doctor Diagnosis

What medical procedures do you perform?

Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and concise. Provide written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: If you were visiting the site for the first time, would you understand your own answer?

doctor office

Are examination fees covered by my insurance?

Write your answer here. Use polite language. Try to be clear and concise. Provide written and visual examples. Take a look at what you wrote: If you were visiting the site for the first time, would you understand your own answer?

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